NY POST: Chinese Govt. Blocks Access To Obama.com
Categories: Media, Political Rhetoric
The Chinese government has blocked access to a Web site used as a conduit for donations to President Obama’s re-election, The Post has learned.
The action comes following a report in Sunday’s Post that the Obama.com site had been registered to Robert Roche, an Obama campaign bundler who lives and works in China.
An analysis by the Government Accountability Institute found that Obama.com gets almost half its traffic from foreign computer addresses.
GAI sources used more than 100 different Chinese proxies to get on Obama.com. Each time, the effort produced an “error” message that is consistent with sites blocked by the Chinese government.
“It’s a shocking revelation that the Chinese government wants to do something that the Obama campaign wouldn’t do. They’re more sensitive to American sovereignty and campaign-finance law than the Obama campaign,” said GAI founder and co-chairman Steve Bannon.
Click here to go to the NY Post article.
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